Laser Eye Surgery Recovery: What You Need to Know

Posted by  On 22-09-2022

Every recovery process depends on how much effort you put into maintaining habits that will ensure a complete recovery. Recovering from laser eye surgery is no different because following post-surgery recommendations from your surgeon and optometrist ensures the best results. 

At Clearview Vision Institute, we provide laser eye surgery in Toronto to patients across the city. We believe that our patients must have complete information before undergoing any vision procedure, including our laser eye surgery options such as LASIK and LASIK Xtra.

We also believe that you should have adequate knowledge of what to do to ensure a remarkable recovery. As a result, we have compiled detailed information on what you need to know about the laser eye surgery recovery process.

What is laser eye surgery?

Laser eye surgery is a suitable and popular procedure for correcting vision problems like astigmatism, nearsightedness, or farsightedness. For improved eyesight without the inconvenience of contact lenses or glasses, this procedure is a top choice. It is also among the fastest, most effective, and safest procedures.

Timeline for Laser Eye Surgery Recovery

Most patients recover quickly and can resume their regular activities within 24 hours of laser eye surgery. As well, the majority of patients instantly notice an improvement in their vision. However, the complete laser eye surgery recovery process usually takes three to six months.

The first 24 hours post-surgery may have you experiencing discomforts such as blurred vision, mild itching, dryness, and sensitivity to light. Therefore, it is best to avoid any activity that could poke the eyes or cause excessive use of the eyes. We also recommend that you return to the clinic the next day after surgery so the surgeon can ensure your eyes are healing correctly.

In the coming weeks, you may experience side effects such as night glare and dry eye symptoms, which you can manage with lubricant drops. The cornea will heal, and you will return to your normal routines without hassles.

Suppose you have recently undergone laser eye surgery. In that case, you must prioritize your recovery process to avoid complications to your eyesight, which is why we have highlighted some things to consider during your recovery process.

Below are post-surgery recovery tips to follow for healthy eyes.

1. Rest your eyes

When recovering from eye surgery, your eyes will be sensitive. Therefore, you must rest your eyes so that they can heal. Relax your eyes by limiting travel, refraining from reading, and avoiding screens for up to 48 hours. It would be best to consider these precautions and put them in place to ensure that you do not strain or dry your eyes.

You could have a family member or friend drive you home from the clinic while wearing UV-protective sunglasses to keep your eyes safe. To ensure a smooth recovery, spend time in a relaxed environment, avoid screen activities, and avoid driving at night. You should also apply your lubricant drops at regular intervals each day.

2. Use only prescribed eye medication

If your eye surgeon prescribes medications or eye drops after surgery, use them as directed and do not stop unless your surgeon instructs you to do so. The most significant benefit of taking medication as prescribed is a faster recovery and overall healthy eyes without complications. Also, follow any other recovery instructions and restrictions your doctor may provide.

3. Do not rub your eyes

During post-surgery recovery, an essential course of action is keeping your hands away from your eyes and not rubbing them to avoid dislodging the flap created during laser eye surgery. You can reduce the desire to rub your eyes if you stick to your eye drop routine. Additionally, wear sunglasses outside to protect your eyes from dust and to reduce light sensitivity. 

4. Do not wear eye makeup

You should avoid wearing eye makeup or perfume for up to one week following your laser eye surgery. Additionally, you should wait about ten days before colouring your hair to reduce the possibility of small particles getting into your eyes and causing irritation and inflammation.

5. Avoid dusty or dirty environments

A dusty or dirty environment may harm your sensitive eyes post-surgery because of the high level of dust and micro-particles that may infest the air. Therefore, avoid areas that could expose you to dust, bacteria, smoke, ash, and other elements that could harm your eyes, especially during recovery.

6. Avoid exercise and other strenuous activities

It is best to stop exercising, playing sports, or engaging in other strenuous activities for a few days up to one month (depending on the procedure you have) after your eye surgery, depending on the type of activity. After three days, however, you can resume light activities such as walking, stationary cycling, and lifting small weights. These precautions are put in place during the first few weeks to prevent sweat from getting in your eyes because the cornea will be healing.

It will be safe to participate in sports once the cornea has healed, but avoid physical and high-impact sports for at least one month after your treatment. Your surgeon will provide you with more specific information about when they believe you can return to your exercise, sport, or other activity.

7. Attend all follow-up appointments 

During the appointments, your optometrist will perform vision tests and ask you questions about how your recovery is going to monitor your healing process.

Contact Clearview Vision Institute Today

When you follow the proper guidelines after your eye surgery, you will be guaranteed a successful recovery. If laser eye surgery in Toronto is something you are considering, we can walk you through the process to help you understand it better and make an informed decision.

To book an appointment, call Clearview Vision Institute at 647-493-6371 or contact us here.

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