8 Common Causes of Blurry Vision

Posted by  On 15-02-2023

Blurry vision can be a frustrating and potentially concerning symptom for those who suffer from it, especially if it tends to be a regular occurrence.

When the vision is blurred, it can make it considerably harder to perform normal, daily activities, and, in some cases, may even be a sign of an underlying health issue.

If you have been experiencing blurry vision, it’s important to understand the cause to effectively treat it. In this article, we will discuss eight common potential causes of blurry vision and when you should be concerned or seek immediate medical aid.

8 of the Most Common Causes of Blurry Vision

1. Refractive errors

The most common cause of blurry vision is refractive errors, such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. These vision errors occur when the shape of the eye can’t adequately focus light onto the retina, thus resulting in distorted vision and the need for glasses or contact lenses.

2. Presbyopia

Presbyopia is a non-refractive error condition that occurs mostly in people over the age of 40. It is characterized by a decline in the eyes’ ability to focus on objects that are viewed at an arm’s length or closer. Naturally, this can contribute to blurry vision when reading or performing other close-up tasks.

3. Cataracts

Cataracts are cloudy areas that form in the lens of the eye. As the lens becomes cloudy, it becomes less transparent, making it more difficult for light to pass through and resulting in blurred vision and other potential symptoms. Cataracts can be treated surgically through a procedure called “cataract surgery”, which involves removing the clouded lens and replacing it with a clear artificial lens.

4. Glaucoma

Glaucoma describes a group of eye conditions that can damage the optic nerve, resulting in vision loss and even blindness. One of the most common symptoms of glaucoma is blurred vision, which occurs when the optic nerve is damaged, and the brain is, therefore, unable to receive clear visual signals from the eye. Early diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma can slow or prevent further vision loss.

5. Migraines

As many people are aware, migraines are severe headaches usually accompanied by various symptoms, including blurry vision. This type of blurry vision, however, is known as an aura, and will typically resolve once the migraine subsides.

6. Diabetes

The high blood sugar levels associated with diabetes can damage blood vessels in the eye, leading to blurred vision. This condition is known as “diabetic retinopathy”, and can be treated with proper management of blood sugar levels via medication.

7. Dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome occurs when the eyes fail to produce an adequate amount of tears or quality tears, contributing to eye dryness and irritation. This can also, in turn, lead to blurry vision, along with other potential symptoms such as redness, itching, and a gritty/scratchy sensation.

8. Allergies 

Allergies, such as allergic conjunctivitis and other types of eye irritants, can create inflammation and swelling of the eyes. This may contribute to blurry vision and other common symptoms such as eye-watering, redness, and itching. Allergy medications, allergen immunotherapy, and/or simply avoiding triggers can help to relieve the eyes of such symptoms.

When to Seek Prompt Medical Assistance for Blurry Vision

It is critical to seek immediate medical care if you are ever in a situation where your vision becomes blurry quickly or you experience vision loss suddenly.

This sudden onset of blurriness may occur as a result of medical emergencies or conditions such as a concussion, stroke, sharp increase in blood pressure, eye infection, hyphema (bleeding inside the eye), retinal detachment, or eye injury/trauma. In these cases, prompt medical attention is critical to ensure the best prognosis for recovery.

Treatment for Blurry Vision Caused by Refractive Errors

The most appropriate treatment for blurry vision will depend on its underlying cause. In cases where refractive errors such as nearsightedness or farsightedness are to blame for blurry eyesight, several treatment methods are available to effectively restore the vision.

Aside from wearing prescription glasses or contact lenses, LASIK, Laser Blended Vision Correction Treatment (PRESBYOND), and ReLEx SMILE eye surgeries are fantastic alternative options that offer permanent results.

These surgical procedures involve using a laser to reshape the cornea (the clear portion at the front of the eye), so that it can properly focus light on the retina, thus eliminating the issue of blurriness or foggy vision. Offered by our highly trained doctors at Clearview Vision Institute, these popular procedures effectively correct a variety of refractive errors, and generally result in significant, long-term vision improvement.

Contact Clearview Vision Institute Today

If you are experiencing chronic blurry vision, we urge you to schedule a visit with one of our experienced eye doctors for a proper evaluation.

In some cases, blurry vision may be correctable with an adjustment to lifestyle and/or medication. In other cases, however, it may be resolvable with glasses or contacts, a laser eye surgical procedure, or a more extensive form of treatment. If you have any questions about laser eye surgery in Toronto, feel free to reach out!

To book an appointment to address your blurry vision, call Clearview Vision Institute, your Toronto-based laser eye institute, at 647-493-6371 or contact us here.

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